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The Lucky's Tale Wiki is purely a community-driven wiki fan site; managed and ran completely by fans. It isn't affiliated by Playful and/or any third-party company whatsoever to provide official or accurate information about its characters, games, etc. For more information, see Lucky's Tale Wiki:Disclaimer.
Following the release of New Super Lucky's Tale, their family name has been referred as "Swiftails" (single T, not a double T) is kept for this naming convention and consistency throughout the wiki. See Lucky's Tale Wiki:Disclaimer for more details.
Lyra is Lucky’s older sister. Not much is known about her origins, but she is known for having a big role as a Guardian. She is a big influence on her younger brother, Lucky, to be part of the Guardians. She has won multiple awards as seen on picture frames, accolades, and books on the top shelf; branching from aviation to becoming a Guardian herself.
Lyra appears to be taller, and, compared to Lucky, she wears aviator attire, a long blue scarf around her neck, white gloves, brown boots, and a leather jacket. In her concept photo and in some cutscenes, she has brown goggles suspended atop her forehead.
Lyra is the head of the Guardian Order and the only daughter of the Swiftail family. She is brave, courageous, determined, and defensive amongst the Swiftail family. She's overprotective at times when Lucky was young as he wanted to be a part of the Guardians as cares a lot for him.
Every story needs a hero, and while some are born into greatness, others...well, they can look just like your little brother.
— Lyra, Epilogue, voiced by Heather Halley
She tries to evade Jinx and the Kitty Litter, she could do anything to protect the Book of Ages from being stolen. The moment the book reacted violently to Jinx's magic, the portal opened, taking not only Jinx and the Kitty Litter, but it also took Lucky before the portal closes.
Lyra was devastated and she had no choice but to wait for Lucky to return. She was able to send him messages as he reached each new world. In one, she mentions receiving a sweater as a gift from Lady Meowmalade, indicating a friendship between them despite their opposing alignments. Lyra later welcomes Lucky home to Foxington and sets him to completing the Guardian Trials.
Lyra, like the other Swiftails, is a member of the Guardian Order. She and Lucky are the only members of their family not scattered by Jinx. Lyra takes charge of the remnants of the Order, including Lucky and their friends Anna Lyd, CH1P, and the Penultimate Warrior. Eventually, the group is tracked down by the Kitty Litter, who attempts to steal the Book of Ages. However, the book draws the Kitty Litter and Lucky inside its pages.
Due to Lucky inadvertently carrying her Guardian Sigil into the book, Lyra is unable to enter it to help him. She would join in with the other Guardians in waiting anxiously for Lucky’s hoped-for return. They would often assemble around a fire, with Lyra growing increasingly despondent as the seasons passed. Jinx would later use an illusion of her to trick Lucky into turning the completed Book of Ages over to him.
Lyra’s sad vigil comes to an end at last when Lucky returns, having bested Jinx and the Kitty Litter. After a happy reunion, Lyra tasks Lucky with completing the Guardian Trials. After he succeeds, she proudly presents him with his sigil, officially making him a Guardian. The siblings and their friends then prepare to seek out their missing relatives and comrades.