V · ELucky's Tale Wiki | |||||||
Character articles must contain 1-2 paragraphs about the character (background, appearance, personality, etc.) and must follow the layout when placing templates by including the icons, quotes, and infobox templates primarily.
It's recommended to edit character pages in Source Editor or switch over to Source Editor and copy this wikitext below:
{{Infobox character
|name =
|image =
|sigil =
|caption =
|first_appearance =
|other_names =
|species =
|mbti = <!-- Identifies the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator or the personality of a character usually displayed in a four-letter sequence based on their personality. -->
|voice_actor =
|animators =
|design =
|home = <!-- Displays an image variant of a world in Super Lucky's Tale and New Super Lucky's Tale. Use home_alt for an alternate without displaying an image. -->
|homes =
|home_alt =
|children =
|affiliation =
|enemies =