Lucky's Tale Wiki

Welcome to the Lucky's Tale Wiki!
  • This wiki is currently lacking content, and we'd want you to help out by contributing and/or adding pages related to the Lucky's Tale franchise.
  • The Lucky's Tale Wiki is purely a community-driven wiki fan site; managed and ran completely by fans. It isn't affiliated by Playful and/or any third-party company whatsoever to provide official or accurate information about its characters, games, etc. For more information, see Lucky's Tale Wiki:Disclaimer.


Lucky's Tale Wiki
Lucky's Tale Wiki
Gear This is a maintenance category.
This category, along with its subcategories, lists articles that require attention from the reasons listed below.

These are a few of stub categories that requires expansion on an article or a section, one of the criteria will be met if:

  • An article contains a few sentences.
  • A section that contains little to no information and will require expansion.
  • Under construction, this applies when an article was just recently created or in the process of expansion.
  • A page that is under 1.5K bytes.

However, if you believe there's page that can be marked for deletion, falls under to this category. You may provide a reason for its deletion, so it can be clear to the admins to take action.

% of subcategories that may require expansion or are stub articles:
% of WIP articles: 12.5%
% of article stubs: 22.92%
% of page(s) needed to be merged: 6.25%
% of page(s) that needs cleanup: 6.25%
% of page(s) need expansion: 8.33%
Total perentage: 31.33%
Category Maintenance categories not found

All items (11)
